PLEASE NOTE: The Online Benefits Center will be closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00AM EST to 12:00PM EST for scheduled maintenance.
Your Login ID is your first initial + full last name + last 4 digits of your SSN (for example John Doe 1234 would be 'jdoe1234').
If you have an apostrophe and/or hyphen in your Last Name it has been removed from your Login ID. If you have a space and/or period in your Last Name it has also been removed from your Login ID. If you have a "Jr" or "Sr" in your last name in the payroll system you must include it in your Login ID.
Your initial Password is the last 6 digits of your Social Security number.
You will be asked to change your password upon entering the Online Benefits Center.
Welcome to the Online Benefits Center. Here you can review your benefit options and make your benefit elections. When using the Online Benefits Center it is helpful to have the Name, Social Security Number and Date of Birth for your dependents readily available.
For a quick overview and instructions for using the Online Benefits Center please click the link below.